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From the Greenbridge Blog

   Photos: Voting Rights Lab · Muttville · Gabriel Harber Photography   

Kim Plewes Kim Plewes

Turning a storm into a movement

As Criminal Justice Innovation & Second Chance Employment is one of Greenbridge’s key portfolios, it’s been important that we are constantly meeting with and learning from those who have proximate experience with this system and those on the front lines of fighting for change throughout it. As part of that learning journey, I recently spent a few days in New Orleans at One for Justice’s first-ever summit, immersed in the criminal justice reform movement.

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Greenbridge Foundation team Greenbridge Foundation team

2023: A Year of Impact and Gratitude

It’s hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. And yet, as we reflect on the year, it’s exciting to see how much has been accomplished by the Greenbridge team and, more importantly, by our remarkable Impact Partners.

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Greenbridge Foundation team Greenbridge Foundation team

Looking back: Recognizing our past Impact Partners

As we complete our third year of granting, we are proud to have supported over 65 organizations across our priority portfolio areas. Those who received grants in 2023 are featured on our Initiatives page. We’d be remiss if we didn’t track and celebrate those who have received grants to date.

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Kim Plewes Kim Plewes

The power of a site visit

Today we explore the powerful lessons and perspectives we’ve gained from prioritizing site visits as part of our due diligence and decision making.

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Year in Review Jason & Ann Wilson Green Year in Review Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Reflecting on 2022

In 2022 we issued over 40 grants totaling over $1.6 million to organizations across our primary areas of focus. As we look ahead to 2023, there is much to be excited about. Take a peek at some of the data points we’ve collected that help to share the story of the impact that Greenbridge is having every day.

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Creating memorable moments of impact

We hosted our first Greenbridge Family Foundation Summit in late June 2022. While a portion of the Summit was dedicated to planning and strategic conversations, we were very excited to host the senior leadership of several of our impact partners.

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Greenbridge Foundation Beliefs

Every organization operates with a core set of underlying beliefs that define its culture. Shared beliefs are the glue that bind us together, and empowers us to make better and more efficient decisions to maximize our impact. We are excited to share them with you here.

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Pebbles, Rocks, and Boulders

In reviewing our activity for 2021, we made about 35 initial commitments we have termed “Pebbles.” These were organizations that met all or most of our criteria in our areas of focus and whose leadership and potential for the impact we felt were significant. In 2022, our intention is to identify a small number of larger, multi-year projects we term “Rocks.”

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

2021 in Review

Our discovery this past year of so many amazing leaders and organizations making a difference has been a great source of optimism and hope. Our goal has been to identify great leaders making a positive difference and to help to unlock an even bigger impact in the future. We are proud to be a Foundation that invests in people who are driving innovative, transformative change that creates systemic impact across several key issue areas.

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

What’s effective about effective altruism?

We came across a concept that resonated deeply—effective altruism. One of the key insights of this philosophy was that measuring a “return on philanthropy,” while difficult, is possible. And that in order to be as effective as possible with one’s limited resources, decisions should be made “using evidence and reason to find the most promising causes to work on.”

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Supporting a Thriving Democracy through Civic Engagement

The last several years have taught us that we can’t take something as enshrined as the American democracy for granted. This has led to more than a few conversations unpacking how we got here. What are the fundamental components of a thriving democracy and how can we identify organizations working to support those vital components? We ultimately identified three buckets that we believe are vital to creating a strong democracy.

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Jason Green Jason Green

From Venture Capitalist to Mentor Capitalist

I had several people that believed in me before I even really believed in myself that helped launch Emergence and I wanted to pay that generosity of spirit and courage forward. I have sought out talented and promising founders of emerging venture capital firms that I have invested in and have tried to help mentor and coach. These firms are founded and led by women and/or people of color which is sorely underrepresented in our industry.

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Jason Green Jason Green

Criminal Justice Innovation and Second Chance Employment

As we began to identify the areas of focus for the Greenbridge Family Foundation, it was important to both of us that each issue moved us… spoke to our hearts. They weren’t just issues that we knew from an intellectual standpoint were important. And they weren’t just issues that are gaining headlines today. They were issues we talked about over dinner with our kids or found ourselves asking friends and fellow philanthropists about. As we built our list, one of those ‘must have’ issues was criminal justice reform and second chance employment.

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Bridging the Education and Opportunity Gap for Young People in the Bay Area

We believe that every young person deserves every opportunity possible to successfully graduate from high school, pursue and complete post-secondary education if that is his or her choice, and enter the workforce with a well-paying job, ideally in his chosen career path. As we started to explore the organizations working in this space, we spent a lot of time understanding the plethora of approaches and interventions available and referring back to our guiding values to see what felt right for us.

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Protecting the Environment

Environmental Justice is how we think about this area of focus. For this first year of grants, we broke this down into two key sub-areas: climate change and animal protection. Given our commitment to systemic, long-term horizon change, we sought out organizations that attack issues like climate change, air pollution, and animal extinction at their root causes. 

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