Additional Impact


While our granting primarily focuses on our five key portfolios, throughout the year we discover compelling organizations working to create important change in areas like senior dog rescue, Effective Altruism, and supporting the broader philanthropic community. We believe these amazing organizations also deserve to be celebrated and will be highlighted below.

Above banner photo courtesy of Peace of Mind Dog Rescue



Meet the incredible organizations that we are supporting. Each is creating a meaningful impact in its own way. We hope you will spend time learning more about the ones that speak to you.

Learn more about our past Impact Partners

  • Muttville reaches out to senior dogs at risk, gives them the care they need, and finds them loving forever homes. If they had their way, no dog would spend their last days in a shelter. There is so much love and joy in these dogs!

  • Animals generally, and dogs in particular, have always held a special place in the hearts of everyone at Greenbridge. It came to our attention that over the past several years, there has been an increase in senior dogs who have had to get put up for adoption because their owners could no longer care for them. We were drawn to Muttville’s approach to rehoming dogs when needed and supporting seniors to continue to care for these beloved animals when possible. Their cage-free offices (the first in the nation) have been a highlight to visit for some extra cuddles with the pups.

  • Their national network of sites partner with local communities to tackle the barriers that prevent individuals and families from achieving inclusive prosperity. They select and scale proven programs to directly address those barriers identified by each community.

  • We are really impressed by the approach GreenLight takes to their work. They are ultimately trying to pull proven, successful solutions into communities that are struggling with specific challenges. In order to identify the best candidates to serve the community, they have a robust process that is informed by local community members and their experiences. We are proud to support their work in the greater Bay Area.

  • LEEP advocates for the regulation of lead paint in countries with large and growing burdens of lead poisoning from paint. Their approach is to identify these countries, create incentives through awareness, and support governments in introducing and enforcing lead paint laws. Their aim is to eliminate lead paint in our target countries, allowing children to reach their full potential, and live healthier, happier lives.

  • LEEP is a great example of the tenets of Effective Altruism at play. Lucia and Jack started by identifying an under-resourced area that could have an outsized impact on children and identified that throughout the Global South, lead is still incredibly prevalent within the paint. And in many cases, where there are laws addressing this issue, they aren’t strongly enforced. By tackling this problem in partnership with local stakeholders, they will ensure a healthier environment for children across participating countries for generations to come.

  • POMDR finds loving foster and forever homes for dogs whose guardians can no longer care for them and for senior dogs in shelters. They also provide volunteer and financial assistance so seniors can keep their pets with them as long as possible. In addition, they make pre-arrangements to take in dogs should their guardians become unable to care for them.

  • Animals generally, and dogs in particular, have always held a special place in the hearts of everyone at Greenbridge. It came to our attention that over the past several years, there has been an increase in senior dogs who have had to get put up for adoption because their owners could no longer care for them. We were really impressed with POMDR’s wide network of volunteers and lifetime commitment to every dog that comes into their care.

  • Their mission is to bring people together to inspire and invest in humanity. Humanitix is the world’s first not-for-profit ticketing platform redirecting the profits from booking fees into social impact. To date, they have transformed over $6.5M AUD of booking fees into funding for disadvantaged children in the US, Australia, New Zealand, and around the world.

  • We love Humanitix. Josh and Adam are a great team with a truly unique product, and their innovative approach to the ticketing industry is both refreshing and impactful. By turning an everyday service into a powerful tool for good, they are channeling revenue into supporting incredible charities, demonstrating how business can drive positive social change on a global scale. We are excited to see the continued impact they will create as they expand their reach and mission.

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